Align energetically to your purpose and your passion BEFORE creating
Learn and do practices that have you feeling the infinite potential power that you are!!
Get all the delicious ideas and projects, that feel like chaos in your head, out into strategies, plans, schedules, posts, emails and connections
Raise your frequency by being with other badass goddesses who are here to turn the world upside down
Be in the energy that's going to move you forward and have you feeling in your fire!
Get hyper focused and super clear
Get sh*t done and feel that 'hell yeah' momentum
Ask me questions about alignment with what you're creating (Chart, channeling, Energy body reading)
Option 1 $27
Get one session, experience the magic of the vortex, and get some serious sh*t done... (and kick yourself that you didn't purchase the 3 session bundle). No worries, you can purchase them separately later.
Option 2 $65 (down from $81)
Go ahead and purchase the bundle so that you know for the rest of the year you have 3 power-packed, focused, energy aligned time to create forward movement for your dreams. 2025 is YOURS!!!!!